COLLINS VHF Transmitter
17 L-7A
USA 1967.
This is my Collins 17L-7A, a VHF transmitter, works fine. I bought it
for less than 10$ - without tubes. I need over one year to get
the tube for the end stage, a 6884 beam power tetrode,
manufactured by RCA, a really rare item.
The transmitter were build in
1963 in combination with a Receiver 51X-2B for use in
airplanes and needs 27,5 Volts. The frequency tuning is arranged by a
Remote Control Unit 614U. The control unit drives - with a 7-wire
logic - an autopositioner system inside the transmitter
selects and connects the proper crystals into the oscillator circuit.
Even with the help of the well documentation an awful reverse
engineering act to get this units working: to watch the motor driven
frequency justify inside the transmitter by switching the 614U is at
the other hand an enjoyable activity then.
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY: Radio sets AN/ARC-73 an AN/ARC-73A, Field and
Depot Maintenance Manual TM 11-5821-217-45, Wachigton 25, D.C., 1962.
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